
Review: Geo Xtra "Bambi"/Princess Mimi Sesame Grey

Quite a few bloggers have reviewed lenses from the Geo Xtra Bambi series (aka. the Geo Princess Mimi series), so I don't think I need to tell you how these lenses came to be popular. (Angel Color + Tsubasa + pretty lenses = EVERYBODY WANTS A PAIR.)  What I can tell you is that I bought these lenses from EyeCandy Lens (which now has free shipping, actually), and they got to me pretty damn quickly. <3  And now... on to the actual review.

Enlargement: 10/10  These are 15 mm. (On Angel Color, where the original Bambi series was released and distributed, they are 14.2 mm. This 'Xtra' series version from Geo (advert) is 15 mm.) They are big.

Colour/Design: 7/10 Hum... you may or may not remember the joyful hysteria many experienced when first gazing upon the Bambi series. I definitely do, and it never really left me until I got these lenses. Haha.  As you may know from the many advert pics of this series, the colours usually look light. I guessed that, as Geo lenses, they'd be a medium or dark grey, much like the Geo Angel Grey. I was mostly correct: they're a medium grey. I.... do not like darker colours. :/ Despite that, the design is still gorgeous, and the lenses
so long-coveted that I don't care quite as much as I should. Heh heh.  However, once I can get my hands on the true original Bambi series, I'll likely be truly content. 8)


Comfort: 9.5/10 Um... I think one lens is defective (i.e. hurts no matter what I do to try and clean it), but sticking to the good lens, these might actually be the comfiest Geo lenses I can remember ever wearing.

Overall, I've pretty much said my piece: the colour's darker than I would have liked (although it was super obvious that the modeled pics on Angel Color were high contrast & brightness), and they're also a bit bigger than I like. (14 mm is my faaavourite lens size). Despite that, though, I can't help but to still love them. <3 On another note, these are the very first lenses that I actually feel make my entire eye look larger just by wearing them. O:

And, as usual, here are several extra pics: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six.

Reading sound a bit tedious? Then check out the video review right here or below!


I Dyed My Hair Again: (Reddish, Now)

So as you may know, I'm a fan of messing with my hair.  Colour-wise, anyway. (I'm still too chicken to try any type of interesting cut. Haha.)  I've been itching to try and find a shade of red that'll look good with my skin tone, as I've gone orange before to awful results.  

LO AND BEHOLD, I saw the following banner ad while browsing around Soompi:

 ^ (Pretty, Right?)

 Logically, I assumed that the 'free trial; custom-made haircolor' claim had a "catch".   I was wrong. 

I went to eSalon and after a very simple 'profile' of my hair was made (current length, texture, chemical damage, current colour(s), how easily it takes colour, etc.), I was able to choose a hair colour for myself.  I chose "Dark Brown; Mahogany", a reddish brown.

So let me skip to the interesting stuff: the before and after.


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Alright, so as a quick overview, my hair previous to the dye was almost entirely my natural, dark brown-black colour.  The tips in a few areas were lighter from the aforementioned 'messing with my hair' (lightening/bleaching for highlights). 

After the dye, my hair was lightened just a couple shades, and coloured to a mahogany-brown colour. (In sunlight, I've heard it almost looks purple from my friends. o.O ) In low lighting, it is not noticeable. During daytime, it is. And it looks super red under any sort of 'yellow' lighting. :3

As for my hair's condition before and after, my hair was suuuper-soft and well-loved before, and after using this dye (with a 20 vol. developer) it felt a bit damaged/thinner (as it always does when I use 20 vol or higher developer). :[   I pampered it with several conditioners and some coloured-hair treatments, and it's on its way to feeling as super-soft as it once did. : D  Next, I'll add some bright red streaks/chunks.


So yeah, if you want to try eSalon's free trial hair colour (and yes it's full-size), just check out this link to start your hair profile!   

DISCLAIMER: I was not sponsored by any companies to do this review-- I just freakin' love this website right now. Haha.


Review: ColourVUE Big Eyes Evening Grey

CandyLens was super-nice and offered to sponsor me two pairs of lenses to review. These are the first: meet the ColourVUE Big Eyes Evening Grey.

((Don't forget to use my 5% off coupon code if you shop there: mizvaleer ))

Enlargement: 10.5/10  I didn't notice til I got them in the mail, but they're a whopping 15 mm. (Plenty of enlargement.)

Colour/Design: 9.5/10  Soo... I saw the pic of the Evening Grey on the CandyLens site and couldn't tell if they were a medium grey or a lighter grey. So I picked them to find out. Turns out they're light grey. (Oh gods, are they ever light. <33) They're very visible in low light, and you know how much I like light lenses~.



Comfort: 9/10  These are my first ColourVUE lenses, and I'm glad to say that despite the size, they're very comfy.

So CandyLens was nice enough to sponsor two pairs of lenses for me, and I immediately started looking at the grey lenses. I was looking for an enlarging, opaque grey to replace my Bescon Tutti Greys, and these seemed to be a good gamble. Oddly enough, I never noticed that their DIA is 15 mm until I opened the package myself. (I usually don't like big lenses, and these are as big as lenses get.) Happily, though, I love these lenses to death. : D

And here're a few extra pics: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six.

If you're trying to keep it simple, you can just watch the video review right here or below.


Review: EOS E Love-U Brown (aka. Love U Brown)

(Today I woke up and remembered that I have a blog I should update.... haha.  I guess I'll just get this old review out of the way.)  Alright, so I bought these lenses in a super-smooth pre-order via Circle Lens Addiction, which is the shop the ever-so-lovely Shara runs. :] Thanks to her, I found my perfect natural lens: the EOS E Love-U Brown.

Enlargement: 6.5/10 Eh... 14 mm lenses don't do all too much all the time, but these do well enough, especially for how natural they look.

Colour/Design: 7.5/10 These lenses are set at a solid level of cool. I'd planned for them to be on a solid level of AWESOME, but they did somewhat disappoint me initially. I was expecting a lighter, much redder brown, and then.... I tried them on and... not so reddish at all... Story of the day? CIRCLELENS.NET LIED, MAN.  ; _ ;

 (Gross close-up shot)


(direct sunlight)

Comfort: 10/10 Supar comfy~.  EOS lenses + my eyes = ♥

Overall, I didn't get what I was looking for, but the lenses I received are still absolutely one of my favourite lenses. They're my most natural pair, and are my go-to lenses if ever I want the fact that I wear circle lenses to be undetectable. ;P (These are actually the ones I wore for that interview I had on the national news. Haha.).

Here're the other pics I took of these: 1, 2, 3, and 4.

And if all this reading business puts you off, you can find the video review right here, or simply watch it below.