(Is anyone truly surprised that there is canwhoring?)
Alright. Firstly?
Remember that post a while ago? Where I was wondering which hair colour to choose between?? Yeah. It's go time.
I am not necessarily tired of being blonde/bronde, but I am tired of the upkeep. (Ugghhh- my roots are so dark.) I never knew how quickly my hair grew until I went to a light hair colour....
Plus? All this processing slowly kills my hair. :/ (It's a bit thinner/less voluminous than it was before.) No thanks.
I'm getting an ombre! :D Here are the same 2 pictures from last time of what I might get: blonde or red.
(Microsoft Paint, I ♥ you)
I'll more likely go for the blonde, since that way, I don't really have to go back to get it re-coloured! From my roots (and quite a bit on) will just be my natural hair colour, after all. 8] Brilliant! (And cost-effective.)
However, creatively, the red does appeal to me more. Because... ♥ COLOUR ♥. The upkeep for red (and especially for a shade that intense/vibrant) would be hellish. :/
Still! For both, much of my hair will remain untouched by ~chemicals~. I don't know: I have about a month to figure this out....
OPINONS?? (again?)
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31 October
(This Halloween's OOTD is very different from last Halloween's OOTD. Haha.)
I wore this to triumphantly (and desperately) go to the mall and pick up my Limited Edition copy of Assassin's Creed 3 that I pre-ordered. (Why yes-- yes I am smug.) Comfy outfit, quick makeup + hair, and a fun day out with a friend (an actual, human friend: I don't mean the video game). A great day, all around.
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Now... it's camwhoring time! :D
(So happy~)
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