Sooo... I'd been drooling over the Dueba Puffy series for quite a while, but couldn't decide where to buy them. Then, I realized that one of the regulars on both the Soompi Circle Lens thread and the Gaia Circle Lens thread, 'Aki', had a pretty reputable shop, and in fact had the Puffy series stocked. <3 Hurrah!
As soon as I decided between the violet and the pink, I skipped on over to the site, FOTD Looks, and placed an order for a shiny new pair of lenses.
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Here you are, the most recent review I've done (and boy do I have a lot to post out of order): the G&G/Dueba Puffy 3tone Pink. (aka. Shiny Pink, aka.Winter Barbie Fantasy Pink, aka. G&G/Dueba SB-Type Pink)
Enlargement: 9.5/10 These are freakin' big, y'all. o: I know they're 14.5 mm, but crikey.
Colour/Design: 7.5/10 I think Yuk-lui was right when she said it's a less reddish pink when worn than some of the stock photos would have you think. Then again, some of the stock photos are of the hazels that are indeed part of the series, and not the actual pinks. Anyway, these lenses are a lot more violet than pink. I was hoping for the pink to look just like the lens does when off the eye. (Derp.) They clearly are not. All the same, the violet-y pink colour they turn out is still rapidly growing on me. At first I rather disliked it, but the more I saw them in different lighting/in pics, the more i liked them. Plus, they look ridiculously natural from a distance/when not super-zoomed in. ♥ I'm a fan.
('cool' lighting)
Comfort: 9/10 G&G/Dueba is always rather comfortable. These might actually be the most comfy of any lenses I've worn from them.
Said it all in the colour/design category: these are a more violet pink than red-pink. I was hoping for a red-pink. :/ In any case, between the enlargement, strangers' compliments/comments, and the pics of them I've taken, they're quickly shooting up the 'Like' list. ;P
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