So, everyone should go and thank Anna over at
Fenua Beauté. She
literally rang me earlier to make sure I was alive. Haha.
Hello! I am alive, by the way. Real life has just totally eaten my Blogger time (again), unfortunately. @_@ Hopefully, the next few weeks will be less insane. Anyway, let's hit up the über simple OOTD, yes?
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19 Feb
(And let's have a moment of silence for that white beret, which was recently lost somewhere on my college campus. I loved that thing!! ; _ ; R.I.P.)
(The next section is random survey/personal stuff, and then this post is done. Feel free to scamper off now, if you wish~.)
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Now, I was recently tagged by the ever-so-amazing Bunny (over at
Lapin de Lune) to complete this little survey of random questions. I've never really done anything of the sort, so it was definitely interesting to add to my 'usual' type of blog post. o:
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The Questions
1.) What kind of weather do you like the most?
I adore overcast/cloudy weather. (A little bit of rain is also pretty awesome~.) For whatever reason, I always feel the most creative and introspective in that kind of weather: I'll just want to write or draw constantly.
2.) Whenever you're down, what instantly cheers you up?
Hm.... I'd say cooking. Or perhaps thinking of one of my best friends. <3
3.) Did your childhood dreams change as you got older, or remain the same?
Interesting question~. I'd say that they generally remained the same. (Not that I'm necessarily following any/all of them...)
4.) Do you prefer Mac or PC?
PC all the way, baby! (I used both frequently when I was younger, but once I started picking my own technology, I tended to prefer PCs.)
5.) What is one thing to absolutely have to do every day for your day to feel complete?
I need to go through my face-washing routine. There're 3 or 4 products I use, and I need to get through them all so I can feel like sleeping. Haha.
6.) If you had to go without any communication technology for a week, do you think you'd be okay?
Yep. I went an entire summer without a computer a few years ago, actually, and I did just fine. (Although I would like the chance to email my sponsors and friends/family before-hand so they don't think I died or something. xD)
7.) What inspired you to start a blog? Personal reasons? Social reasons? Etc?
Eh... social reasons, I s'pose? I literally just realized I had
way too many lenses to review to just keep on my
Gaia Online CL thread alone.
8.) Do you like Disneyland?
Eh. It's not awful. :/ As a general rule, I do not like amusement/theme parks. Never really have. (I know, I know: I'm boooring~.) I did rather like/prefer Universal Studios, though, when I went....
9.) What is one guilty pleasure you have? (Whether it's food, music, hobby, etc.)
Huh. It's not a guilty pleasure, really, but I freakin' love pineapple. xD Like I can eat an entire pineapple by myself in one day. Or maybe I should say ginger tea with honey? I will have two cups of super strong ginger tea a day, if it's possible. <333
10.) Do you think of yourself as a person who lives without regrets?
Not truly: I'm an over-analyst by nature, so I will attempt to weigh every foreseeable outcome and consequence of a choice. I'm almost always satisfied + sure of my decisions, but every so often, I have a 'what if~' moment. It's more curiosity than regret, though, I think.
11.) Are you as bad at coming up with questions for these things as I am? ;P
Quite possibly. Check right below and find out for yourself.
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