
Review: Geo Nudy Golden Blue

Ohhhh my gosh. I'm so tired right now--- my dog woke me up to go outside so now I'm sitting on the couch waiting for him to be done, and looking at the computer screen like this: =_=. Squuiinnttinng. Here's a review in the meantime, haha. I thought I only had Old Pics of these lenses, but apparently not. Nice~. 8) No Old Pics for you!

Oh yes, and I got these ages ago, so 'm not exactly sure where I go them, but I'm pretty sure I got them from ShoppingnSpree.

Enlargement: 8.5/10 The thin (but dark) ring allows for quite a bit of visible colour and enlargement, so even for 14 mm lenses, they do a great job at enlarging.

Colour/Design: 9/10 As you may hear me mention again in the future, I'm not too big a fan of the Nudy design (Geo or otherwise). Still, as far as the Nudy series, this is the only one that appealed to me, the green-grey-blue colour is dreamy. <3 (And opaque, unlike other colours in Geo's Nudy series.) I got the halo effect sometimes. Eh. Not sure I like the effect on me, but whatevs. :]


Comfort: 8.5/10 Not totally comfy, but very-- especially compared to my other Geo lenses- amazing. Haha.

Overall:  These were my most liked Geo lenses, I think, in terms of other people.  I found them pretty cool myself.  Still... not enough to sway me toward buying them again, much less liking Geo very much.
Sorryy~ no video review-- tossed them before I started doing them. :/


  1. I actually really like the color. It's a nice blend of a soft blue and green and they look good on you!

  2. Aw, thanks~. :] Yeah-- the colour's sublime-- hope I can find another lens like it!

  3. Very cute!=D Love the color

  4. Merci~! <3 They were pretty awesome, thinking back...

  5. Anonymous7/6/10 13:37

    I just bought these lenses and I love, love them!They were a little uncomfortable the first time I put them in but the next time they were better eventhough I could only wear them about 4 hours

  6. thanks fr the review, i was curious about these. I think these are the prettiest on u!

  7. Thanks for reviwe it =D . I'm gonna buy them because I think (it's weird, I know) the color is the most natural os all the blue/grey circle lenses XD (others give a "blind" eye effect =/)

  8. they look so cute on you. i might get those:3
